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Marlpool Junior School

MJS School Council 

This year's school council are made up of 2 representatives from each of our classes across Upper and Lower School. They were voted in by the rest of their classmates in September to represent their ideas, views and concerns for this academic year. 


Dovedale - Maisie & Ella 

Bakewell - Jack & Freya

Castleton - Isla & Emmie 

Chatsworth - Caitlin & Ryley 

Buxton - Connor & Kadie 


Their current aim is to keep fundraising and building on the money raised by last year's school council, so they are able to improve other areas of school life that the children would like to see.



We have our weekly unhealthy tuck shop every Friday break time - all run by our wonderful school council representatives!

Maximum of 60p per child. 

  • Crisps = 30p 
  • Biscuits = 30p   
  • Chocolate Bar = 30p