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Marlpool Junior School

School Uniform

School uniform is important because it helps pupils to feel part of our school community. It develops a positive attitude towards their schoolmates' personalities rather than appearance. It is our school policy that all children wear uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside of normal school hours. 


On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school, with the exception of watches.


Plain black shoes (no wedges, heels, platforms, coloured sole or logos)  

Ordering uniform

We work closely with Loop Wear who can supply all of your uniform needs. Below is a direct link to their website;

 Marlpool Junior School (

Uniform can also be purchased from most local supermarkets. If you are experiencing any difficulty with sorting out uniform , please do come and speak to us as we have plenty of pre-loved uniform items available.


For safety reasons, jewellery is not permitted, with the exception of a analogue watch. Earrings are not allowed in school at all; covering them with plasters or micropore does not negate the risk factors behind this decision. Please help us with this by ensuring that if your children have their ears pierced, this is done at the start of the summer break so that they are able to remove earrings at the start of the new school year. Thank you.