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Marlpool Junior School

Attendance and absence

Please ring the office before 8:45 a.m. to report an absence on 01773 712505.

Your child needs to have above 96% attendance. Anything below this is a cause for concern. 

 Is your child poorly? See below for advice:

Is my child too ill for school? 


All parents can request a ‘leave of absence’ for their child which gives them permission to be absent from school. Leaves of absence must be applied for before your child will be absent and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

Your child’s headteacher has the final say over whether to approve the request. Their decision will be made after considering the specific facts and circumstances behind your request. Where a leave of absence is not approved, the absence will be unauthorised and you may be referred for a penalty notice resulting in a fine.

Click here for our Leave of Absence form 


There is more information about school attendance available on the Education Hub:

Attendance information for parents