"There can be no more important subject than English in the school curriculum. English is a pre-eminent world language, it is at the heart of our culture and it is the language medium in which most of our pupils think and communicate. Literacy skills are also crucial to pupils' learning in other subjects across the curriculum."
( 'Moving English Forward' document, OFSTED 2012)
At Marlpool Junior School, we want our children to be clear communicators who have real impact on the reader through carefully chosen vocabulary and thoughtfully constructed texts.
We follow the National Curriculum for writing (see the link below for our Writing Progression) and use the 'Boxing Up Success Criteria' (BUSC) approach to teach writing. This puts a shared text at the heart of every writing sequence, with an authentic emphasis on purpose and audience. By focusing on the effect that they want to have on the reader, rather than on the individual 'ingredients' that make up a piece of writing, our learners are thinking as actual writers, rather than ticking off a list of writing skills.
Further information can be found here:
Click here for our writing progression
At Marlpool, we follow the 'No Nonsense' spelling programme which has been devised specifically for the national Curriculum.
Click here to view more information about the No Nonsense spelling programme: