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Marlpool Junior School

Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital refers to an individual who is knowledgeable about a wide range of culture, is comfortable discussing its value and merits, and has been given a vast array of experiences and access to skill development.

Not all children will have been exposed to the same level of experiences and opportunities to gain knowledge of the world around them. But these children whose home experiences are more limited and their journeys more uneven, particularly need guidance to spark their aspirations and allow them to flourish.

Marlpool Junior School recognise that for children to aspire and be successful academically and in the wider areas of their lives, they need to be given rich and sustained opportunities to develop their cultural capital.

The six areas of Cultural Capital are:

  1. Personal Development
  2. Social Development, including political and current affairs awareness
  3. Physical Development
  4. Spiritual Development
  5. Moral Development
  6. Cultural development


Please see below examples of how we interweave these six areas into the Marlpool Curriculum!


Personal Development

  1. PSHE provision
  2. THRIVE- To support Growth mindset, resilience development strategies, confidence building, self-esteem building
  3. Transition support
  4. Residential Visits – Year 6 visit to Lea Green
  5. Mental Health & well-being provision, through THRIVE lessons and interventions
  6. Visitors to inspire the children's life journeys- Aspirations Day.
  7. Opportunities for children to grow their awareness in the needs of others around them.

Social Development

  1. PSHE provision
  2. Charitable work and supporting the wider community- visits to the local Care Home.
  3. Pupil Voice –School Council, which is overseen by Miss Hunter.
  4. Implementing the ‘THRIVE’ approach throughout the school.
  5. Pastoral support from all staff, in line with the THRIVE approach.
  6. Experiences and opportunities to help children understand their role in working with and looking after others.


Physical Development

  1. The Physical Education curriculum which is delivered by a PE Coach.
  2. Healthy snack days.
  3. Anti-bullying and safeguarding policies and strategies.
  4. The Health Education dimension of the PSHE programme, including strands on drugs, smoking and alcohol.
  5. The extra-curricular clubs related to sports which is delivered by a PE coach.
  6. The celebration of sporting achievement including personal fitness and competitive sport.
  7. Activity-based residential visits – Year 6 go to Lea Green.
  8. Science units based on eating healthy- Lower school become personal trainers and give advice on how to stay fit and healthy!
  9. Bikeability for year 4, year 5 and year 6
  10. Swimming lessons for year 5 and 6


Spiritual Development

  1. The Religious Education Curriculum.
  2. Our collective acts of reflection – assemblies.
  3. Work completed on British Values.
  4. Support for the expression of individual faiths.
  5. Inter-faith and faith-specific activities and visitors.
  6. Celebrating the diversity of cultures and beliefs in our own school.


Moral Development

  1. The PHSE Curriculum;
  2. The school’s Behaviour policy;
  3. Contributions to local, national and international charitable projects- raising money for Children in need etc.
  4. Assemblies, newsround and class based discussions
  5. REACH values- Respectful, enthusiastic, active, caring and happy!
  6. Picture News

